Have You Heard The News  (International)

Lucille Ball confronted Elvis about his drug use

 We found this message on the alt.elvis.king board interesting:

lolajo: Marty, In Sonny West's new book, he says that even Lucille Ball confronted Elvis about his drug use and she was summarily shown the door. Were you there when this happened? If so, how did this go down?

Marty (Lacker): No, I wasn't there but that's the way she was.  She was pretty brassy and said what was on her mind, she felt she was around showbiz long enough to allow her to do that.

It doesn't surprise me that she was shown the door but I'm sure it was done in a nice way.  The door that is.  Elvis didn't care who you were if you confronted him that way, he would be nice to your face but he'd tell one of us to get rid of the person. Sometimes when someone did something like that in a challenging way he would tell them to mind their own business and get the hell out.

That's why it amuses us when some uninformed, unrealistic fan makes a negative comment about us or how we handled things, as in the case of Red and Sonny hitting that guy in Tahoe, you all don't really know everything that went on and what was done to protect Elvis and most time at his bidding.

Source: alt.elvis.king

Posted:  26th. July 2007 

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